In the high—tech production lines of the automotive industry, only machines that demonstrate the highest level of stability can survive. Every device or fault reduces the number of units to be manufactured per shift. Improving productivity even further is the goal when using the Electrode Management Center.

LUTZ CapMaster

LUTZ CapMaster

LUTZ CapMaster Mobile

LUTZ CapMaster Mobile

1. CapMaster Pro

A combination of a cap changer and tip dresser which increases the productivity of a tip dresser thanks to the attached cap changer and is perfect for the use in highly automated welding lines.

  • Automatic welding for up to 100.000 welding spots without human intervention thanks to the exchangeable cap magazines.
  • Low cycle time due to the cap changing process, avoids downtime

Variable cap pairs and sizes are possible.

2. CapMaster Mobile

The mobile cap changer is designed in a way that it can be easily mounted to a robot. Thanks to the modular structure the individual modules can be moved freely on the EGT part.

  • Pneumatic or electrical drive
  • Cap magazine for different type of caps and sizes
  • Cap removal for different sizes of caps

3. CapMaster Akku

Mobile cap changer which is even more versatile than the CapMaster Mobile due to the removal of power lines. Only a communication line is necessary.

  • Cap magazine for different type of caps and sizes
  • Cap removal for different sizes of caps

4. CapMaster

A stationary cap changer useful for automatic welding stations, where dressing and cap changing is to be kept seperate. With the compact design it shares components with the CapMaster Pro and DressMaster.

  • Cap magazine for different type of caps and sizes
  • Cap removal for different sizes of caps